Thursday 13 September 2007

Like children

Matthew 18:3 (New International Version)

3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

What does this mean? What does this mean to you?

In history, it is common for people who are influential or powerful to tell people to be like someone else - and this is normally someone else of high power, stature, high morality or simply heroes. But who do you think Jesus picks out from the crowd to use as an example of someone who we should be like? An innocent child. He is not saying, we must go back to pooing our pants.....was that just me? Hes not saying we should forget everything we know etc, he has picked a child because this child has no status, and therefore relies on the parents to survive.

How great, is our God, sing with me how great is our God, and all will see how great, how great is our God...

See any resemblance? Probably not....we need to humble ourselves like children, we need to recognise openly that we are fully dependent upon God, that we are helpless without his almight power....we need to recognise this before we inherit eternal life. Put simply, we need to accept Jesus into our lives....not live the life of a superhero.

Jesus, i surrender, my hopes and my plans, i place my dreams in your hands...

A second reason why Jesus brings a child forward is again because of the fact that this child had no God asking us to begin to notice those who have the status and the power? No, we already notice these people....what about those who dont have any status, power, money, hopes or dreams? I think you know the answer.


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