Monday 10 September 2007

Bless you

"Coz we have all we need in you, all we need from you, all we need is you."

How true are these words when applied...not to our girlfriend, not to our favourite tv program, not to our favourite food....but the God who gives us everything, who teaches us all we know, who has insight beyond limits and love beyond human understanding.
God wants to bless you today. I mean that. God wants to bless you today. How often do you simply stop to ask God for a blessing? Seriously? Jesus taught us to knock, and he told us the door will be opened unto us. Interesting isnt it? How often do you actually knock? Are you one of those people who will just glance through the window or leave a note saying "i'l get back to you later," or do you leave a message with a neighbour? God invites us to ask, and jesus tells us that we shall receive.

Do you want to bless people today? Do you think God wants to bless you today? What you do for your neighbour, you do for me said Jesus. Go and do something for someone else today in secret, and offer that as a gift to God. Ya know what? God will bless you.

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