Monday, 10 September 2007

Head boy?

You make everything glorious, and i am yours...

What is the duty of a head teacher? What does the head teacher at your school do? I would have thought that he/ she continually represents your school in a good manner. I bet they know a lot about how the school system works and has a lot of experience in working with young people within the system of a school.

You are the giver of life...

What is the duty of head boy? How could head boy let the school down? Its a strange question to ask, how could he let the school down? As head boy, it has really been bugging me. I desperately want to make a difference in my school. I want to impact the school in a good way, and i have 6 months to do it.

You reign, our God reigns

What sort of impact is reasonable? Allowed? If i could ask God directly now, how much can i do in my school without going over the top, without putting people off, and ultimately bringing God the glory - what would he say?

Now is the time to worship

God promises to be with me, and you, wherever we go. I simply pray tonight, God, my heart is willing - use me for your ultimate, awesome glorified purpose here on earth, here in my school.

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