Saturday, 22 September 2007

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Ephesians 6:10 - end

The full armour of God.

The descriptions of armour given here in ephesians were inspired by the roman soldiers who had different armour or clothes for different types of protection, or to aid the soldier in one waay or another. The sole purpose of the armour was to protect. The armour was not intended to be comfortable, in fact it was quite hard to carry the armour around as it weighed a bunch! The armour was very expensive and therefore the owner had a lot of responsibility to look after it.

The first command given in the passage is to "Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." This is very simple. It is an invitation to put on the full armour of God. You could walk onto a battlefield today stark naked, but i'd be willing to bet my life savings on you that you wouldnt survive as long as you would with tonnes of heavy armour protecting you.

So who or what are we protecting ourselves against? Verse 12 explains that we are protecting ourselves from anything the devil may throw our way (Message.) There is a lot of evil in this world, a lot of evil that has the power to really throw us off course or to throw us off the path on which we walk with Jesus Christ. But don't fear!! Jesus Christ has promised us that where he dwells, no evil can reside. Jesus has the power to overcome evil. In the bible, He repeatedly drove out evil spirits.

The full armour of God is all about being strong in the Lord, and helping to protect ourselves from the evil of this world.

So, we already know that "we are protecting oursevles NOT just from the flesh and blood, but from the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

The full armour of God is not designed just to keep you alive (even though im sure you'd agree that this would be a useful thing on its own,) it will also protect you so well that you will still be standing, even when the enemies have shown up, done their stuff, and cowardly turned and run - you will still be standing - standing in the knowledge that Jesus Christ is our saviour, and this knowledge gives you the ultimate power and authority.

14 - Stand with the belt of truth. A belt holds your trousers up. (Rocket science.) Anyhoo, the belt holds your trousers up (e.g. keeps you moral standards up high....unless you are "cool" and you may be wearing your trousers round your ankles....)The belt also holds everything together (Jesus Christ is the truth. Jesus holds everything together, just as we hold ourselves together by being honest.) And finally, weapons can be attached to the belt so they can be drawn quickly at a moments notice. (No bending down to get the little rock out of your sock jobby.)

Secondly the breastplate of righteousness - This righteousness that is spoken of here is a way of life. It is something we must strive to be, righteous. A righteous person is good, morally correct, virtuous and one who strives to live blamelessly in front of God AND man.

Your feet must be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Correct me if im wrong, but our feet can do two things (3 if you include drinking tea from a mug using just your feet....dont argue!) Our feet need to enable us to walk, and also to stand. Walk and stand, nothing more is required. We need our feet to walk with Jesus, to advance the message of God to everyone and to ultimately advance and expand the kingdom of God. We keep walking (we keep living) as God intends until we meet an obstacle in our life (something that stands in our way.) When we meet our obstacle, we blame God, we question our faith etc etc - watever. But, this is where the standing is required. We cannot continue until God has cleared the way. Sometimes God just asks us to stop and stand still in his presence, to receive anything he has to give us or teach us. So this is the other function of our feet, to just stand. Stand firm on what you know as the truth.

The shield of faith which will extinguish all the burning arrows of the evil one. Before we do anything, we need to believe in what we are teaching or preaching. We need to have the faith to know that God is real, that Jesus did live, and faith to believe that He is here today, living inside of us. If we do not have faith, we are useless.

Then the helmet of salvation which we receive as a gift - a gift simply for confessing our faith.

Finally - the sword of the spirit which is the word of God. We cannot always rely on our family and friends to protect us. We must master the use of our sword, and we must know it well. Study the word of Christ and know it well so that you can draw upon it quickly whenever it is needed. Remember - use your sword, dont just admire it on the shelf.

Pray - Pray always. Pray in everything you do. Pray now. Pray for me. Pray for yourself. Thank God for prayer. Pray that God will teach you to pray better. Pray for prayers. Pray for your friends, your situations, pray for everyone, pray for your enemies, thank God for Jesus' life, thank God for your life, THANK GOD RIGHT NOW THAT HE HAS GIVEN YOU THE BREATH TO THANK HIM, and finally finally finally, dont forget to take God up on his promise....ask and you shall receive...go on, ask.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Do you stand against, or bow down to?

Read the text on the slide, click play and just listen to the music. (Hillsong, You.) (Apolagies for the blurry text)

How hard do you find it to swim against a current? In your local pool, or at the sea?

I remember recently being taken out by the current at Camber Sands. There was no lifeguards around, and i was about half a mile out from buildings on the beach. The current was so strong that if i stood still, i was knocked over, and if i lifted my feet and tried to swim, it was a losing battle. My point is, it is bloomin hard to swim against a current.

So what about metaphorically speaking. How well can you fight your corner? How good are you at standing up for what you believe in?

Jesus had a mission of a mission (lol) when he came down to earth to save us. He was hated from day one (i mean it, Herod wanted him killed.) People turned against him and people turned against his followers. Paul was repeatedly in prison, and Stephen was stoned....they stood up for what they truly believed in and made such as impact on our lives, today.

Just think for a minute. What impact does it have on your close mates when you are being bullied at school for standing up for what you believe in, and you dont even flinch? The insults come flying, and you dont budge an inch.

"" They raised their fists, so he bowed his head, for a fight/ for a prayer. ""

We have been chosen by God. God has chosen me to do a part of His work here on earth. It is an absolute privelage to do work for God, which is why we should thank God in everything we do.

Finally - Think about this from Philippians 3: 10
"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings...."

The fellowship of sharing in his sufferings - look up fellowship, and then see how we can praise God, that we suffer for Him in fellowship with eachother

Friday, 14 September 2007

Matthew 16: 24

24Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Ok, so here we are again with Jesus preaching to the disciples, but this time, he has their full attention, coz he has just shouted at Peter for not seeing beyond the human limits, at what God is capable of. So anyway - You must deny yourself and take up the cross of Jesus so that we can follow Christ. What exactly does this mean? How do we deny ourselves?

Basically, it is not just enough to absent mindedly admit to christ as messiah, we need to do a bit more....we must, a fundamental must, understand what Jesus did for us, which is suffered and died for us. For a human (forgetting religion for a moment) death is the final thing. Death is something that comes to all of us, some being young and some being old, it is something we all have to endure. (Now back to religion.) Jesus came to earth as a human, as fully human as you could be. He didnt have super powers etc, he merely had a perfect relationship with his father, our father, in heaven, which is how he performed what we call, the miricals. And he offered us something that is incomprehensible, life after death. Now this life wont be the life as we know it on earth, it is a lifetime of eternities (4ever basically) with our maker, with our creator, with our GOD.

Anyway, sidetracked there, denying yourself? I understand this to mean - giving up everything about ourselves that forms a barrier between God and us, and therefore a barrier that prevents us from following Christ. I think denying means to say no to our own human, earthly desires and relying on God for what we need. I think denying means putting God first, in everything. EVERYTHING. Not just what we want Him to come first in!!

And taking up the cross? This is easier to understand, but probably harder to say yes to. Taking up the cross basically means you are willing to lay down your life for your saviour, it means you are willing to pay the same price for following Jesus that so many others did in the past. Think about that for a bit, because its powerful stuff. Would you lay your life down for the one you love? Would you give your life up, for the one you call the Messiah?

Follow me? Now this is peanuts compared to the above. Follow him. Simple? No, ok, well - it means following his word, following his commands, following his way of life. He loved and made time for everyone. EVERYONE. Do you do this?

Have you chosen to follow Christ?
Will you deny yourself?
Will you take up the cross?
And will you follow Jesus Christ, Saviour, Messiah, Lord over all....will you follow Him?

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Like children

Matthew 18:3 (New International Version)

3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

What does this mean? What does this mean to you?

In history, it is common for people who are influential or powerful to tell people to be like someone else - and this is normally someone else of high power, stature, high morality or simply heroes. But who do you think Jesus picks out from the crowd to use as an example of someone who we should be like? An innocent child. He is not saying, we must go back to pooing our pants.....was that just me? Hes not saying we should forget everything we know etc, he has picked a child because this child has no status, and therefore relies on the parents to survive.

How great, is our God, sing with me how great is our God, and all will see how great, how great is our God...

See any resemblance? Probably not....we need to humble ourselves like children, we need to recognise openly that we are fully dependent upon God, that we are helpless without his almight power....we need to recognise this before we inherit eternal life. Put simply, we need to accept Jesus into our lives....not live the life of a superhero.

Jesus, i surrender, my hopes and my plans, i place my dreams in your hands...

A second reason why Jesus brings a child forward is again because of the fact that this child had no God asking us to begin to notice those who have the status and the power? No, we already notice these people....what about those who dont have any status, power, money, hopes or dreams? I think you know the answer.


Tuesday, 11 September 2007

1 Timothy 1: 5-7

The whole point of what we're urging is simply love—love uncontaminated by self-interest and counterfeit faith, a life open to God.

The book of Timothy was written by Paul. Paul was born in AD10 approximately, important because he never witnessed Jesus in person.
Paul studied under the Rabbi Gamaliel in his childhood and as a young man, he got a job as a tentmaker. Paul first appears in the bible as a witness to the stoning of Stephen. Stephen was stoned because he proffessed Christ as Lord. People saw this as blaspemy against Moses, God and the law. Consequently, he was arrested, stood by a wall and stoned.

Paul openly admitted to persecuting the church and anyone who was a follower. However, on the road he was converted having heard the voice of God, asking, why are you persecuting me? Paul was led to a man called Ananias where he as baptised, and his vision was restored.

After his conversion, Paul went straight to the synagogues where he was famous for his preaching against God - but something was radically different, Paul was now preaching the good news of Christ. People who knew him, and who had supported his ideals listened to him and i imagine many were converted. However, many other people were afraid of this new Paul and so began to try and persecute Paul himself. Paul fled Damascus, abseiling the city walls in a basket. Sounds pretty exciting.

I'm so grateful to Christ Jesus for making me adequate to do this work. He went out on a limb, you know, in trusting me with this ministry. The only credentials I brought to it were invective and witch hunts and arrogance. But I was treated mercifully because I didn't know what I was doing—didn't know Who I was doing it against! Grace mixed with faith and love poured over me and into me. And all because of Jesus.

Here's a word you can take to heart and depend on: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. I'm proof—Public Sinner Number One—of someone who could never have made it apart from sheer mercy. And now he shows me off—evidence of his endless patience—to those who are right on the edge of trusting him forever.

Paul went from one extreme to the other, and as he puts it, only through the grace of God, sheer mercy, endless patience.....

Paul was a sinner, but he was saved. This was a radical conversion, and a radical conversion that is occurring all over the country every day. Paul did nothing to deserve this, but God chose him to fulfill part of his will on earth.

Paul speaks of his conversion and even uses himself as a model example for Timothy and the church he set up to follow. Paul expresses the importance of Christ in his life and through his testimony, he reveals many qualities that should be found in christian teachers and leaders.

Firstly, absolute dependence on God is essential. Secondly, the right to participate in any ministry is purely given by God, and to God is whom the praise should be given. Paul also expresses how the faith has to be a personal faith, not just a belief.

Monday, 10 September 2007

Head boy?

You make everything glorious, and i am yours...

What is the duty of a head teacher? What does the head teacher at your school do? I would have thought that he/ she continually represents your school in a good manner. I bet they know a lot about how the school system works and has a lot of experience in working with young people within the system of a school.

You are the giver of life...

What is the duty of head boy? How could head boy let the school down? Its a strange question to ask, how could he let the school down? As head boy, it has really been bugging me. I desperately want to make a difference in my school. I want to impact the school in a good way, and i have 6 months to do it.

You reign, our God reigns

What sort of impact is reasonable? Allowed? If i could ask God directly now, how much can i do in my school without going over the top, without putting people off, and ultimately bringing God the glory - what would he say?

Now is the time to worship

God promises to be with me, and you, wherever we go. I simply pray tonight, God, my heart is willing - use me for your ultimate, awesome glorified purpose here on earth, here in my school.